Is Exercise with B3 Bands Safe?

As long as the simple and obvious safety pre-cautions are followed, there are no risks associated with BFR Training with B3 Bands.

Anyone from 9-90 can safely use B3 Bands.

Simple Precautions:

  • Put the Bands in the right place
  • Follow recommended pressure settings
  • Limit Bands Inflated on Arms or Legs to 20 minutes
  • Don’t lift heavy weights
  • Hydrate properly before, during and after

Go here to review the Safety and Instructions Card

Studies Prove the Safety

Exercise: Walking


  • These findings suggest that at-risk populations can perform BFR without fear of overt cardiovascular risk.

Read the Study

Safety Study Yoga

Exercise: Yoga


  • We found that there were no further elevations in arterial blood pressure and myocardial oxygen demand when B3/ B  Strong Bands were added to yoga practices.
  • Our findings indicate that B3 / B Strong Bands can be applied to yoga while avoiding unfavorable hemodynamic responses and preserving the intended effects on muscle hypertrophy.

Read the Study

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